Look what was in my mailbox yesterday!
Two skeins of Cascade 220 in Lichen, a lovely heathered green. I'll be knitting Backyard Leaves for
Kate, which I'm most excited about. Kate sent some lovely star-shaped stitch markers along with the yarn, which is lucky because a pattern read-through tells me I'll need them. Thank you, Kate!
Kate is in Santa Monica, which makes me homesick even though I've never lived there. According to her return address label, she lives on the same street as
Wildfiber, one of my favourite yarn stores. She is three streets away from a close friend, and close by the transmitter of
KCRW, a wonderful radio station that I'm happy to be able to stream on the web. She lives in a neighbourhood where you can't help but run into Gwyneth at yoga. And to think a number of SYNO LA people have been complaining about not living in an exotic locale!
[Disclaimer: Kate might want to stop reading right here, because I'm about to make some embarassing confessions, and, well, she may not need the worry right now.]
1. I am a slow knitter. If a friend wants baby booties for her newborn, she better tell me the moment she sees that blue line. I don't understand how people like
fluffa! do it: it seems she finshes a new garment every second week. I have to say that I'm quite nervous about knitting to a deadline, even a loose one like October. I'll do my best, I promise, but I have to say that I'm glad I'm knitting for someone in Southern California, and not the upper Midwest. (Or Alaska!) It might still be summer, but those people will be needing their scarves pronto.
2. Other than a brush with intarsia in the mid-eighties, I've never used a chart. In fact, I don't know how. Do I knit left to right? Or do I alternate: left to right, right to left, left to right etc. up the chart? If you are still reading Kate, don't worry, I'll find out. And, oh, hell, what do those coloured-in "no stitch" boxes mean? No need to get alarmed everyone, there's an unpacked box here somewhere marked Knitting Books. Now, if I could only find it..... October isn't far away!