Play Misty for me....

I hadn't ever done feather & fan till now so it is a joyous introduction, will start the scarf actual tomorrow, yiiipppeeee** Michele was kind enough to gift me some Opal Yarn (how DID she know I am terrified of sock knitting and could avoid up until now ;-) ), some divine stitch markers made by her sister and a beautiful self portrait card. Of course, I *DEFINITELY* don't need bribery to knit in this luscious 'me' colour but it helps
I promise Michele I am going to do a FAB job and you will ADORE your new baby*
Am REALLY enjoying hearing about all the yarn arrivals and beginnings hear. Secret Pal, if you have received my yarn please can you let me know, I asked them to put a note in it but they might not have......
Sneak a peek at the parcel I received from Michele above.........
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